Tag: forest field

front cover

New album Mystery & Mayhem is coming

The last couple of years have proven to be a challenge for many people, and this proved also true for Forest Field. But step by step the recordings for new album Mystery and Mayhem were completed and finally finished, resulting in the most modern sounding Forest Field album to date. It seems this sixth full length album is the first that does not have a (lyrical) theme running through it. Instead it is focusing on delivering the most diverse andContinue readingNew album Mystery & Mayhem is coming

forest field - seasons

a 4 / 5 star review!

Turns out that writer Jon Neudorf wrote an excellent review of our Seasons album late 2019, but we have only just found it! But we’ll take a 4/5 star review any time of year 🙂 Read it here.

forest field - autumn sky

Seasons – Song by Song: 9/12

Just a couple more tracks from the Seasons album to feature here. And hopefully by the time this series finishes, I will be able to start working on the next album! While Autumn Sky might be one of the more heavier short tracks on offer, it still holds a catchy chorus. The lyric wonders about how we as a race so often fall for obvious bad guys. What is it in them that makes us dumb, deaf and blind? InContinue readingSeasons – Song by Song: 9/12

New video for Rain in May!

Here a beautiful new video for Forest Field track Rain In May. A subject we all have to deal with, one time or another, a song about loss, losing a dear one. You miss them, and sometimes would give anything just to hold them once again. Taken from the Seasons album.

forest field - a silent cry

Seasons – Song by Song: 8/12

On with the series, so time to write a few words about song 8 on the Seasons album: A Silent Cry. And even when it is hard for me to chose favourites, it is safe to say this is one of them. There are a number of reasons for me to really like this song. First the lyric. Being ever the optimist, lines like “life and how to survive it”, or “for your dreams to come true” and many others,Continue readingSeasons – Song by Song: 8/12

forest field - circles

Seasons – Song By Song: 7/12

Apologies for being silent for so long. Yet I guess many of us are aware of the many challenges this year is bringing us… Anyway, on with the track stories! Circles is one of the instrumentals and of course the name refers to the seasons that keep going round and round. Originally the demo was all guitar and little to no keyboards. But while working on the album version, I felt it would make more sense to change the second partContinue readingSeasons – Song By Song: 7/12

2nd place award for Seasons cover

Thanks to the voters on One World Music Radio our 2019 Seasons album cover was awarded with the 2nd place.

2 Award Nominations!!

OH MY! Our Seasons album has received no less than 2 nominations from One World Music; 1 for best album cover art and 1 for best rock album! Whoohoo! Thank you to Steve and Chrissie and best of luck to all candidates!

Next round of Seasons reviews

yes, I know, running way behind with updating the site! But here are more Seasons reviews for you to enjoy: First one is from DPRP: “the music is actually quite enjoyable and definitely worth checking out if you like smooth melodic AOR with an occasional heavy touch” Another one from my home country is from Background Magazine: “a step forward for me, more power and not afraid of an experiment” now French webzine MusicWaves: “The diversity of writing hits theContinue readingNext round of Seasons reviews

forest field - seasons

more Seasons reviews to share!

first another Dutch one; White Room Reviews writer Ralf says for instance: “The beauty of quality studio work is that one never hears only a few people were involved. Because Peter Cox has everything well organised, Seasons sounds as the result of a well rehearsed progressive rock band” next are Rock Hard Slovakia where writer Eduard gives 4/5 stars: “If you have met this project in the past and you liked their previous material, you will also like this one. “Seasons”Continue readingmore Seasons reviews to share!