Tag: award

2nd place award for Seasons cover

Thanks to the voters on One World Music Radio our 2019 Seasons album cover was awarded with the 2nd place.

2 Award Nominations!!

OH MY! Our Seasons album has received no less than 2 nominations from One World Music; 1 for best album cover art and 1 for best rock album! Whoohoo! Thank you to Steve and Chrissie and best of luck to all candidates!

Rock Track of the year Award!

  Holy cow, as if getting a nomination for the Lonely Desert album wasn’t enough, we now also received a nomination for the 2016 Rock Track Of The Year award for the opening song on the album, Valley Of Pain! Needless to say we are very humbled and proud. You can vote here, and we want to wish all the nominees success! Thank you to all the folks and listeners at One World Music <3