Review Rock Society

rock_society.jpgUK magazine has done a very nice review of our latest effort. Thanks!
It reads:

This is Forest Field’s second album, their name taken from the region in (I think) the Netherlands where Peter Cox, the band leader lives. It consists of eleven tracks, ranging from 3 to 7 minutes, where all the odd numbered tracks are instrumental and the even number with vocals.
The album is book ended by Onwards at the beginning and And Upwards at the end. This is a simple instrumental piece played on both tracks that benefits from the greater production on the latter.
I must confess to finding it hard to exactly place just what style this music is. The record company describes the instrumental pieces as ambient and proggy. and I guess that is reasonable accurate, and I found all the instrumentals to be pleasant without being much more than that, but they do provide light and shade between the vocal tracks.

Certainly the vocalist is very good with a nice voice and the quality of the songs is excellent, with some lovely catchy themes, the trouble is I am not sure they are really prog. In fact A Miracle I could just visualize being sung by Take That. That is not meant in  a bad way, the song is excellent and with the money and production available to bands like Take That, I could easily see this being a hit, and the same could be said about all other vocal tracks all of which have strong melodies.

This however seems to sit between both stools and is a bit too rocky for pop music lovers but not inventive enough for prog fans. There is clearly a lot of talent here , but if they want to appeal to prog fans then maybe they should think about a concept next time or fleshing out the songs and being a bit more inventive. Overall I quite liked it and it would certainly be good to play in the car or home when others of a less proggy nature are listening. SM

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